i chew over my server has be hyjacked. it constantly tries to open spanking new internet exp. connection, even contained by safe mode. i' ve run many different types of scan but nothing will pick it up. i'm tired of spending money on things that don't work. detailed push for please!!!!!!!
Trojan back needed!?
One node may be affected by a virus specifically fairly then the server. I suggest that you bring down the server and run virus scan on each node. This will be time consuming and unpractical but must be done if you own not picked up anything else. And came to the conclusion its not a hardware problem.
jump get a 12gauge and put it out of its misery
Have you tried hijackthis?
try the most recent windows live onecare or the most modern norton software. Download their free trial and see if it works.
Try downloading & running adaware personal.
This is available from www.lavasoft.com, and is free for personal use.
have you tried zone alarm shelter suit?
i have have great success removing a virus and preventing harmed with it... even next to corporate viruses
if you do find it contained by ANY scan it sould be able to give an account you the exact file location... SAVE IT.
if i could acces your server i woule know how to help but i bet that isnt going to occur...lol
there is a program I consider you might find it at downloads.com
it is called hijackthis
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