
what are optical scanners used for?

what are optical scanners used for?

long winded and interesting, but boring to read:

A hardware device that can read workbook or illustrations printed printed and translate the information into a format the computer can use. A scanner works by digitalising an image - (dividing it into a grid of boxes and representing respectively box with any a zero or a one, depending on whether the box is chock-a-block in - this is also call binary code when you're learning it at conservatory or somewhere like that, you do it within maths as well). For colour and gray scaling, alike principle applies, but each box is later represented by up to 24 bits. The resulting matrix of bits, called a bit map, can afterwards be stored in a record, displayed on a screen, and manipulate by programs.

Optical scanners do not distinguish text from illustration; they represent all descriptions as bit maps. Therefore, you cannot directly cut text that have been scan. To edit file read by an optical scanner, you need an optical guise recognition (OCR ) system to translate the doll into ASCII characters. Most optical scanners sold today come with OCR packages.


a piece of computer equipment that change human language into computer spoken language by scanning it.

hope that's cool. Mitch

