
Problems next to driver install Vista/XP?

I am currently running Windows Vista beta2 from a verbs install. I cannot get my Epson Perfection 1250 Photo scanner to work/install within Vista, but it works fine in XP. Would it sort any difference if I install XP first, and then bring in a upgrade with Vista.

Would Vista afterwards find my twain driver, or do you think it would be basically the same? Thanks.

Problems next to driver install Vista/XP?

That is why they phone call it BETA. Things simply won't work, because they are untested.

As a Microsoft Beta tester, you should report your findings to both Microsoft and Epson.

Thank you for working for FREE. Next time, don't do any Beta testing on your primary RIG.

Thank you for asking alike question again, so I could provide you next to the same answer.
nope, no difference. Try google. It might know how to help you pinpoint drivers, or a work around.
YOu rprinter probaly does not recognise vista

