
southeast missouri scanner codes you shouldnt know?

looking for charleston sikeston nouns police and 911 scanner codes..just to listen to not a chaser..

southeast missouri scanner codes you shouldnt know?

Do you enjoy a trunk scanner? I think most scanners are very soon days. I also think most police,and ems,airplane use one and the same frequencies. I am in Texas and hold an old Police christen book. from 1996. So,I am gonna give you what I see on my paw held scanner,new second year. Police.935-3875,,,935-9200,938... These are the sheriff office and police dept.

My son go on-line and downloaded these channels directly into my scanner,so I don't know what your working next to.Is it old,or strange?

Play with these and next go to a frequency drain for your area and see if you can receive them from that site.

Sorry,let me know if they worked please. share hotel rental fee

