
Virus Scanner?

I cannot hold my virus scanner on..It keeps going stale all the time..The SBC virus scanner..I downloaded it twice so far, works for a couple days than go off again..can anyone comfort? thanks

Virus Scanner?

When ever unknown problems resembling this occur, carryout system restore. Restore the PC to a hours of daylight previous to the day when within was no virus or any problems. It may be a few weeks or months rear legs. You have to wish the date. It is easier and mostly your problems will be solved.. If you want to know an effective procedure for system restore please look in the following site.


After successfull repairs select a standard antivirus and an anti spyware and install in your PC so that the problem does not materialize again.

You can get free/paid antivirus at http://jskproducts.co.uk/antivirus.htm...

Select and install a suitable anti spy ware from the following connect .

Try Mcafee 8 it works great. If you want it, i can give you links to download it.

